Audited Annual Report and Accounts 2021-22 (Certified)

19th October 2022

Audited Annual Report and Accounts 2021-22 (Certified)

Audited Annual Report and Accounts 2021-22 (Certified)


We are aware of a mix up on page 17 of the accounts where it appears that the representing councils for Cllr Bill Duff and Cllr Stewart Donaldson have been swapped.

The correct information can be found below

Cllr Bill Duff - Angus Council

Cllr Stewart Donaldson - Perth and Kinross Council  


Tayside Pension Fund were notified by AVC provider Prudential that financial information pertaining to overall membership had been delayed and would not available for audited annual accounts in September 2022.  Subsequently, delayed information is now available and can be found at the link below