How we keep in touch
The way we keep in contact with you will differ depending on whether you are paying in, no longer paying in or retired.
The way we keep in contact with you will differ depending on whether you are paying in, no longer paying in or retired.
If you have registered for member 'self-service', you will receive the following documents in electronic format:
Each year, we will send you a statement which gives you full details of your membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme together with an estimated value of your potential scheme benefits as at the 31st March of that year.
This newsletter is issued at the same time as your Annual Benefit Statement and contains useful information regarding changes to the scheme regulations, topical pension issues and updates on the services that we provide to you.
If you have not yet registered for member 'self-service', the above documents will be sent to you by Royal Mail.
Please advise us if any of the following apply to you:
If you have registered for member 'self-service', you will receive the following documents in electronic format:
Each year, we will send you a statement which gives you full details of your membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme together with an estimated value of your potential scheme benefits as at the 31st March of that year.
This newsletter is issued at the same time as your Annual Benefit Statement and contains useful information regarding changes to the scheme regulations, topical pension issues and updates on the services that we provide to you.
If you have not yet registered for member 'self-service', the above documents will be sent to you by Royal Mail.
Please advise us if any of the following apply to you:
If you have registered for pensioner 'self-service', you will receive the following documents in electronic format:
You will receive an 'electronic' payslip each month.
However, if you have not registered for pensioner 'self-service', you will only receive a paper payslip in March, April and May and in any month where your net payment varies by more than £2.00 (+ or -).
The payslip that you receive from the Tayside Pension Fund in April will contain details of the pension increase due to you for the following year.
The payslip that you receive from us each March also serves as your Form P60(Substitute).
If you have not yet registered for pensioner 'self-service', the above documents will be sent to you by Royal Mail.
Please advise us if any of the following apply to you: